日本物理学会北海道支部 講演会
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2024/05/20 "Metaphotonics and Mie-tronics"
Yuri Kivshar 氏
2024/05/08 「CeCoSiの強磁場物性とその隠れた秩序相に関する研究」
神田 朋希 氏
2024/04/12 Can Bose-Einstein condensation occur via a first-order transition?
2024/01/16 「放射光X線と中性子散乱の相補利用を通した局所反転対称性のないf電子系化合物の研究」
田端 千紘 氏
2023/12/26 「FIB微細加工と三次元ベクトル強磁場を用いた物性研究」
木俣 基 氏
Yuri Kivshar 氏
2024/05/08 「CeCoSiの強磁場物性とその隠れた秩序相に関する研究」
神田 朋希 氏
2024/04/12 Can Bose-Einstein condensation occur via a first-order transition?
2024/01/16 「放射光X線と中性子散乱の相補利用を通した局所反転対称性のないf電子系化合物の研究」
田端 千紘 氏
2023/12/26 「FIB微細加工と三次元ベクトル強磁場を用いた物性研究」
木俣 基 氏
河野 健二 氏
Dec 02, 2004
講演題目: インダクターコアとして用いられるフェライト材料の高度化
講 師 : 河野 健二 氏
(太陽誘電株式会社 総合研究所材料開発部)
日 時 : 平成16年12月2日 (木) 16:00-
場 所 : 北海道大学理学部2号館大学院講義室(2-2-11)
要 旨 :
世話人 熊谷健一
「あまのじゃくの創造性 -独創的な光学と電磁気の実験-」
霜田 光一 氏
Oct 22, 2004
講演題目: あまのじゃくの創造性 -独創的な光学と電磁気の実験-
講 師 : 霜田 光一 氏
日 時 : 平成16年10月22日 (金) 15:00-
場 所 : 北海道大学理学部大講堂
要 旨 :
世話人 竹内 繁樹
"Moderate lattice disorder and electronic ground state properties in U heavy fermion compounds"
Dr. Stefan Sullow
Sep 30, 2004
講演題目: Moderate lattice disorder and electronic ground state properties in U heavy fermion compounds
講 師 : Dr. Stefan Sullow
(Inst. fuer Metallphysik und Nukleare Festkoerperphysik TU Braunschweig, Germany)
日 時 : 平成16年9月30日 (木) 14:00-
場 所 : 北海道大学大学院理学研究科物理学専攻 大学院講義室 理学部2号館(2-11号室)
要 旨 :
The interplay of disorder and electronic correlations represents a central issue of the physics of strongly correlated electron systems(SCES). The properties of SCES are extraordinarily sensitive to small levels of crystallographic disorder. This is attributed to the electronic correlations, which enhance the effect of the disorder. Correspondingly, disorder has been proposed to greatly modify or control the physical properties of SCES in very many cases. However, a thorough understanding of this issue is still lacking. Here, I present a detailed discussion of the effects of moderate crystallgraphic disorder on ground state and electronic transport properties of uranium heavy fermion compounds. For this class of systems disorder effects are particularly prominent, causing highly unusual spin glass, short range ordered or Non-Fermi Liquid ground states. From an experimental point of view, the central tasks are to determine the type and level of the disorder and to assess the influence of the disorder on the physical properties. I will address these questions within case studies on the U heavy fermion systems URh2Ge2, UPt2Si2 and related compounds.
世話人 網塚 浩
"Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on Magnetic States and Transitions in Layered Metal Oxides NaxCoO2 and Srn+1RunO3n+1"
Prof. Yuri Sushko
Sep 17, 2004
講演題目: Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on Magnetic States and Transitions in Layered Metal Oxides NaxCoO2 and Srn+1RunO3n+1
講 師 : Prof. Yuri Sushko
(Department of Physics & Astronomy University of Kentucky)
日 時 : 平成16年9月17日 (金) 11:00-
場 所 : 北海道大学大学院理学研究科物理学専攻 大学院講義室 理学部2号館(2-11号室)
要 旨 :
Unconventional superconductivity, itinerant and localized moment magnetism, magnetic-field-dependent metal-insulator transitions are notorious characteristic features of transition-metal oxides, such as cuprates, manganates, ruthenates, cobaltates. Since pressure P is one of the main thermodynamic parameters, similar to temperature and magnetic field, an external pressure is often used to tune the phase transitions of interest.
In this talk, I will introduce the method of high-resolution SQUID magnetometry under hydrostatic (He-gas) pressure and its application to the studies of effects of pressure on magnetic states and transitions in correlated electron materials with layered structure. The results on two groups of transition metal oxides will be presented: (1) the metallic ruthenates Sr3Ru2O7 and Sr4Ru3O10 with perovskite-derived structure, and (2) the cobalt oxide superconductor Na0.35CoO2・1.4H2O and its parent compound Na0.75CoO2. The observed high-pressure effects will be discussed in relation to the specifics of a crystal structure comprising weakly bound two-dimensional MO2 (M = Ru, Co) sheets, the property responsible for a strongly anisotropic character of the electron system of the materials under investigation.
世話人 河本 充司
"Adaptive time-dependent density-matrix renormalization-group"
Prof. Ulrich Schollwock
Jul 14, 2004
講演題目: Adaptive time-dependent density-matrix renormalization-group
講 師 : Prof. Ulrich Schollwock
(Institute for Theoretical Physics C, RWTH Aachen, 52056 Aachen, Germany)
日 時 : 平成16年7月14日 (水) 16:30-
場 所 : 北海道大学大学院理学研究科物理学専攻 大学院講義室 理学部2号館(2-11号室)
要 旨 :
While the density-matrix renormalization-group has emerged as arguably the most powerful method to study the static and dynamic equilibrium properties of one-dimensional quantum systems, a reliable study of explicitly time-dependent phenomena in real time has not been possible so far. I am presenting a new DMRG method that during time-evolution maintains the key feature of DMRG, namely that the effective Hilbert space within it works is adapted during time such that it always allows for an optimal representation of the current quantum state of the system. I will discuss the links of this approach to quantum information theory and also present some applications that show the very high reliability of this method. I will also consider its potential applications such as in driven quantum phase transitions (cold atoms), dissipative quantum mechanics, transport problems in quasi-one dimensional wires. work done in collaboration withP.E. Cladis and Harald Pleiner.
世話人 山本 昌司