日本物理学会北海道支部 講演会
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2024/05/20 "Metaphotonics and Mie-tronics"
Yuri Kivshar 氏
2024/05/08 「CeCoSiの強磁場物性とその隠れた秩序相に関する研究」
神田 朋希 氏
2024/04/12 Can Bose-Einstein condensation occur via a first-order transition?
2024/01/16 「放射光X線と中性子散乱の相補利用を通した局所反転対称性のないf電子系化合物の研究」
田端 千紘 氏
2023/12/26 「FIB微細加工と三次元ベクトル強磁場を用いた物性研究」
木俣 基 氏
Yuri Kivshar 氏
2024/05/08 「CeCoSiの強磁場物性とその隠れた秩序相に関する研究」
神田 朋希 氏
2024/04/12 Can Bose-Einstein condensation occur via a first-order transition?
2024/01/16 「放射光X線と中性子散乱の相補利用を通した局所反転対称性のないf電子系化合物の研究」
田端 千紘 氏
2023/12/26 「FIB微細加工と三次元ベクトル強磁場を用いた物性研究」
木俣 基 氏
"Scientific Publishing - How to Write a Good Scientific Paper and Submit It Successfully -"
Dr. Claus Ascheron
May 12, 2003
講演題目: Scientific Publishing - How to Write a Good Scientific Paper and Submit It Successfully -
講 師 : Dr. Claus Ascheron
(Physics Editor of Springer-Verlag)
日 時 : 平成15年5月12日 (月) 16:00-
場 所 : 北海道大学大学院工学研究科 物理工学系大会議室 A 1-17(A棟1階)
要 旨 :
A careful introduction to scientific publishing is given together with detailed advice for researchers and advanced students on how to prepare good scientific papers. This instruction is also based on personal experience with the approach to scientific publishing in different countries gained as a visiting professor at various universities, in a two years' stay in Japan as a Professor of Kyoto University, e.g. The topics discussed will be:
- Why is scientific publishing necessary?
- How important is scientific publishing for your academic career?
- Types of scientific publications
- Contents of scientific publications
- Steps to plan a scientific publication
- Writing style of scientific publications
- Importance of proper references
- Structure of a scientific paper
- Survey of most appropriate scientific journals
- Problems of submission and acceptance of scientific papers
- Public and political influence on scientific publications
- Information on publishing with Springer-Verlag
世話人 中山 恒義
"Inelastic STM tunneling spectroscopy and resonance peak in cuprates"
Dr. A.V. Balatsky
Apr 14, 2003
講演題目: Inelastic STM tunneling spectroscopy and resonance peak in cuprates
講 師 : Dr. A.V. Balatsky
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
日 時 : 平成15年4月14日 (月) 15:00-
場 所 : 北海道大学大学院理学研究科物理学専攻 大学院講義室 理学部 2号館(2-11号室)
要 旨 :
We will discuss the applications of the old ideas of inelastic tunneling spectroscopy to the strongly correlated systems, such as high-Tc materials.
We argue that the STM detection of a single vibrational and spin mode might shed new light on the nature of the strongly correlated state in high-Tc materials. We will also consider the local effect of the scattering off collective modes, e. g. 42-meV neutron scattering mode, on the STM tunneling characteristic. Both the energy and momentum dependence of the neutron scattering mode might be detected in STM tunneling. Alternative explanation of the resonance peak as a commensurate response of incommensurate magnet will be presented.
世話人 小田 研
"Interlayer tunneling spectroscopy of the charge density wave (CDW) state in NbSe3"
Prof. Yu.I. Latyshev
Mar 12, 2003
講演題目: Interlayer tunneling spectroscopy of the charge density wave (CDW) state in NbSe3
講 師 : Prof. Yu.I. Latyshev
(Inst. of Radio-Eng. and Electronics RAS, Russia)
日 時 : 平成15年3月12日 (水) 16:00-
場 所 : 北海道大学大学院理学研究科物理学専攻 大学院講義室 理学部 2号館(2-11号室)
要 旨 :
Using small stacked junctions of high quality we have measured interlayer tunneling spectra of the layered quasi-one-dimensional material NbSe3. We identified a number of new features on the spectra: zero bias conductance peak (ZBCP), CDW gap structure for lower and upper CDW, the sub-gap structure inside the CDW gap. The ZBCP dominates in low temperature spectra. We discuss its origin as being related to the interlayer coherent tunneling of the carriers uncondensed into CDW. We found that ZBCP is sensitive to magnetic field and its orientation. The field perpendicular to the layers broadens ZBCP while the parallel field narrows that. We consider the sub-gap structure as associated with self-localized states inside the gap.
世話人 松永 悟明
上田 和夫 氏
Jan 24, 2003
講演題目: LiV2O4の重い電子系的な振る舞いについて
講 師 : 上田 和夫 氏
日 時 : 平成15年1月24日 (金) 16:00-
場 所 : 北海道大学大学院理学研究科物理学専攻 大学院講義室 理学部2号館(2-11号室)
要 旨 :
世話人 北 孝文
"Electrostatic field in stationary superconductors"
Dr. Pavel Lipavsky
Dec 18, 2002
講演題目: Electrostatic field in stationary superconductors
講 師 : Dr. Pavel Lipavsky
(Institute of Physics, ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic)
日 時 : 平成14年12月18日 (水) 16:00-
場 所 : 北海道大学大学院理学研究科物理学専攻 大学院講義室 理学部2号館(2-11号室)
要 旨 :
Diamagnetic currents in superconductors, would they be at surfaces or in the Abrokosov vortex lattice, create inhomogeneous patterns that are accompanied by the local charge transfer. Theoretical and experimental approaches to these charges and related electrostatic field will be discussed from early measurements of the Hall voltage to recent NMR and NQR experiment.
世話人 熊谷 健一